AAP KE SAWAL - Anil Kumar Agarwal Exclusive Interview With
The Star Cast Of 'O' Pushpa I Hate Tears
The Star Cast Of 'O' Pushpa I Hate Tears and trailer of the movie on special screening request
This Interview is about the movie 'O' Pushpa I Hate Tears, about star cast of the movie and you will also get to see the trailer of this movies releasing on 28th February 2020 . This Interview is not scripted.
About 'O' Pushpa I Hate Tears :-
Aditya falls for Pushpa but she soon finds out that he only wants her money. Aditya then seeks the help of Shyam, but Shyam turns the tables and persuades Pushpa to fall in love with him instead. Now Aditya, having lost both Pushpa and her money, feels helpless. Will he find a way out of this mess?
‘Aap Ke Sawal’ is the Youtube Peoples Conversation Channel of India, where Mr. Anil Kumar Agarwal asks questions from various public personalities like entrepreneurs, politicians, actors, bureaucrats, social workers, doctors & devotional personalities. Its non scripted interviews Channel. Aap Ke Sawal has been successfully discharging its responsibility to give balanced, fair and accurate views about peoples without sensationalizing as well as by carrying different shades of opinion.